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Using this site indicates you agree to the following terms of use. Please refrain from using the site if you do not agree to the terms of use. Tile Factory Outlet reserves the right to modify, change, add, or remove various parts of the terms of use at its own discretion. Please regularly check the terms for adjustments. Continuing to use after changes have been posted indicates that you agree to the terms.

Use of this site indicates you agree that using the site is entirely at your own risk. Neither, its officers, agents, employees, directors, third-party content providers, merchants, sponsors, licensers, nor its affiliates, guarantee that the site will be uninterrupted or completely error-free. They also do not offer any guarantees regarding the results that may come from the use of and its services, nor to the accuracy, reliability, or currency of any content, information, merchandise or service provided through

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The information on this site may contain typographical errors or technical inaccuracies, or may be updated or changed without advance notice. At any time, and without notice, may change or improve the product or programs mentioned in this information. does not wish to obtain proprietary or confidential information via our website or email addresses. Therefore, please note that any information or material sent to or its related email addresses, services, or sites will be considered NON-confidential. does not represent any other site which may be accessed via our site. Any site accessed that is not is independent and is not responsible for the content of that site. Moreover, links provided for non sites do not in any way imply that guarantees or endorses the site or accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using the site.

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The rights of include, but are not limited to, the following:

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Notwithstanding this, neither, nor its merchants, providers, sponsers, and licensers, can guarantee prompt removal or editing of questionable content after it has been posted online. In harmony with this, neither, nor any of its directors, agents, officers, employees, nor providers, sponsors, merchants, or licensers will be liable for any inaction or action regarding the communication, conduct, or content posted to


This agreement is subject to and is to be interpreted in harmony with the laws of New South Wales, Australia without regard to choice of law rules. If any condition of this agreement is found to be void, unlawful, or for any reason unenforceable, then that condition will be deemed to be severable from this agreement and will not affect the enforceability or validity of any of the remaining provisions. This contains the entire agreement between all parties in relation to the subject stated herein and shall not be modified in writing, and must be signed by both parties.

Termination of This Agreement

This agreement is valid until either party terminates the agreement.

This agreement may be terminated at any time by the user by destroying any and all materials obtained from as well as any related documentation and all installations and copies. reserves the right to immediately terminate, at its own discretion, this agreement with regard to any user who is deemed unacceptable. In the event that the user breaches this agreement, may, at any time, terminate this agreement without giving prior notice to the user. Upon termination, you, the user, must destroy all materials obtained from

Moreover, in providing material on our website, does not in any way guarantee that the materials will remain available for your use. retains the right to terminate, at any time, all or any portion of its site or services without giving prior notice to the user.


This agreement represents the entire understanding between the user and with regard to your relationship with and supersedes any statements made previously or any other representations. You indicate your assent to be legally bound by this agreement by using the website.